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Re: WBUR (was:RE: ratings)

I strongly second that. Special Coverage seems designed to make sure that
everyone who listens comes away depressed. And even the topics that Dick
Gordon or his producers pick for The Connection (or as the die-hard Chris
Lydon fans call it, the Faux Connection) seem to be focused on the most
depressing topics they can find. Maybe I'm just trying to keep my head in
the sand and deny reality, but I can't believe that 'BUR's constant
preoccupation with what's wrong with America and why we have to listen to Al
Qaeda's arguments isn't driving away listeners, and contributions.

And for those who say that 'GBH-FM carries the financial show (sorry, I'm
blanking on the program name) from MPR and PRI at 6:30 and it was dumb for
'BUR to rebroadcast the program right after it ended on 'GBH-FM, no it
wasn't. When I get out of work early enough, I like to catch the last half
hour of ATC and I no longer can do that _and_ listen to the financial show.
Even in these days of (mostly) plunging stock prices, I don't find the
financial show nearly as much of a downer as Special Coverage or Dick
Gordon's version of The Connection.

Since there's nothing that the average listener can do to respond to the
dire predictions of impending disaster (other than withhold his or her
contributions to WBUR), what eactly is the purpose of repeating the
predictions day after day? Is there really a significant group of people who
feel better as a result of the constant reminders that we could all die at
any time in a nuclear, chemical, or biological attack--or another suicide

Dan Strassberg, dan.strassberg@att.net
617-558-4205, eFax 707-215-6367

----- Original Message -----
From: Larry Weil <kc1ih@mediaone.net>
To: <bri@bostonradio.org>
Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2002 3:22 PM
Subject: WBUR (was:RE: ratings)

> At 01:44 PM 1/20/02 -0500, Dave Faneuf wrote:
> >No, they decided to continue with the news theme all evening long.
> Sounds like they've decided to be all depressing, all the time.