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Re: WODS Observations

> Will he [Joe Cortese] also be handling production duties for WBZ?
> They have some of the most amateurish-sounding production I've ever
> heard on a major market station.  Edits just jump out at you almost
> like the spot was pieced together from voice sessions done on
> days (that really annoying Suburu spot comes to mind as one, though
> examples abound--cuts are made too tight, odd inflection changes,
> No excuse for this in these days of DAWs.

I suspect that production quality comments should be directed to
Michael Coleman.  He's their resident comedian, spot voice and
spot producer.

If it's the same Subaru spot I'm thinking of, the production techniques
take a back seat to the copy writing.  It says (I'm parahrasing) "It
sells more in New England than anywhere."
IIRC, my english teachers emphasized that it should be "anywhere else"
since "anywhere" includes New England.

Roger Kirk