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Re: Bill whining (was CNN anchor endorses satellite over cable)

No, but Bill's post implied that it was a bad thing that people across the
country now have access to show's by people that used to only be heard in
one market.  I like Imus and Rush and am glad that I don't have to live in
New York to hear their shows on a daily basis.  Bill's post seem to be
indicating that local was good, national was bad.  I don't care if the guy
that I am listening to shops in the same stores that I do.  I care about the
show being enjoyable to listen to.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave Faneuf" <tklaundry@juno.com>
To: <dib9@gwi.net>
Cc: <billo@shoreham.net>; <boston-radio-interest@bostonradio.org>
Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2001 12:22 PM
Subject: Re: Bill whining (was CNN anchor endorses satellite over cable)

> So it is you opinion that unless you are on the air making 6 or 7 figures
> in a syndication deal that a radio person is not good at their job?    I
> think we can come up wiht a host of people that might take issue with
> that, myself included.