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Re: WEEI gets a ton of publicity

In a message dated Wed, 28 Mar 2001  9:20:48 PM Eastern Standard Time, Donna Halper <dlh@donnahalper.com> writes:

<< I don't know if WBZ Radio carried the story (I was out of town much 
of today)-- since WEEI is a competitor, I would be curious to know if the 
matter was discussed on WBZ, as it certainly is a news story when a 
newspaper arbitrarily tells its reporters where they can and cannot appear 
as guests, and then tells  one of its star columnists not to write about 
the controversy... >>

Matt Storin has been rather, how do we say it, hands-on in terms of stuff like this in the past. I remember when the Globe was sold to NYT, there was supposedly a Globe story about the purchase put on one of the wire services, and Storin demanded it to be pulled off. (I don't know how this could happen.) 

I don't believe the Globe is wrong in not permitting their employees to appear on WEEI-- the writers there are getting paid quite well compared to most average folk in the media and don't need to be giving their boss bad press. But it's totally different when they censor one of their columnists from publishing something in their paper, no matter what the viewpoint... and it's somewhat hypocritical, given that their sports media writer, Bill Griffith, had written about it twice in three days.
