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Re: WBZ finally using CBS (exclusively?)

Just curious..

How valuable IS Paul Harvey to WBZ?...Boston was late getting on the PH
bangwagon as he was usually on a minor AM for years (WACQ comes to mind)

On Sat, 2 Dec 2000 Sptseditor@aol.com wrote:

> In a message dated 12/2/2000 9:56:20 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
> crimson@channel1.com writes:
> > But it is rooted in the fact that at 2 of Infinity's bigger AMs ( that I
> > know of) WBZ Boston and WJR Detroit...if they want to carry Paul Harvey
> > 
> You must be referring to WWJ or WXYT, no? Last I recall, WJR has been an ABC 
> o/o for eons.