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Re: WEGP 1390

I think you will find most music stations still have turntables. Many
times they are covered up with other things but there is no great reason
to remove them. Many of the music stations still have club style DJ hows
on Saturday or Sunday nights when they need to break them back out. Most
of the techno and hip hop club stuff is still only available or much
preferred on vinyl. I know BCN still has tables and I think ZLX, XKS,
FNX and  many more do too. The Technics SP tables are heavy enough are
such apart of everyone's cabinets that I think the easiest thing to do
is to just build covers or bridges over them that can be covered with
all sorts of nifty doodads. But when you need a table or two you its
much easier to uncover them than to try to install one. As I explained
once before most stations would not consider 1200 Mark 2's or 3's as a
broadcast table and the SP's are pretty hard to find these days so there
is no sense in getting rid of them. 

"Brian T. Vita" wrote:
> It would seem to me, in this day and age, to have turntables in the air
> studio would be folly.  If you're playing vinyl because certain recordings
> were never released on CD, the risk of damaging the original recording in
> the air studio would be too great.  Once the vinyl has benn hit with cue
> burn or scratches, its too late and likely irreplaceable.  I would limit
> the turntables to production and dub an air copy onto a "house CD" or DAT
> or even a cart/hardrive system.  The original could then be archived for
> the next generation.
> Brian
> -- Brian T. Vita, President
> Cinema Service & Supply, Inc.,75 Walnut St., Peabody, MA  01960-5626
> (978)538-7575/Fax (978)538-7550/Sales (800)231-8849/Sales Fax (800)329-2775
> www.cssinc.com