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Subtle Changes at WBZ
Over the past few weeks I've noticed some
changes at WBZ. Among these:
1. When the main anchor summarizes what's
coming up at the top/bottom of the hour,
they now include teasers from outside
reporters working stories live.
2. On several occaasions, they have gone
directly from a commercial to CBS for a
special report without any intro by the
3. For a while, they were toying with a
network update in the first 3 minutes after
the top/bottom of the hour - but that seems
to have been sporadic and not used now.
4. Just before 10:00, Deb Lawlor reads a live
list of credits for those "behind-the-scenes"
people who edit and produce.
5. The Phantom Gourmet seems to have a new music
bed and a new format that mentions WBZ more
prominently at the end of the review.
6. Traffic reporters no longer include their name
before the "next traffic in 10 minutes" sign-off.
7. Playing outdated commercials. This morning,
a commercial I've never heard before touted
"offer good until April 15th" Last week, a florist
ad reminded us that Secretary's Week starts on April
Overall, it's just barely noticeable, but reminiscent
of a light Spring Cleaning.
<soapbox on> Now, if they could just get Bob McMann
to say "Double-You" instead of "Dermfiter" or Dermpiter"
Hearing "George Dermpfiter Bush" just grates the wrong way.
I won't even mention the World Wide Web acronym.
<soapbox off>
Roger Kirk