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Re: WGY now non-directional but not always?

>Dan Strassberg wrote:
>In those days, WGY operated around the clock, as did all other US 50-kW
>stations that operated ND at night. The purpose was sky-wave monitoring at a
>time when the AEC was conducting tests of nuclear devices in the Nevada

        For the young'uns on the list here, I think it might be useful to
point out that, if I have this correct, Dan is saying that it was not at
all common back in those bomb-test happy 1950s days for even big-time
big-market stations to stay on all night. Therefore, the non-DA I-As and
I-Bs were "asked" ? or "told" ? to broadcast 24 hours a day to do their
part for the Cold War by facilitating the monitoring of the nuclear tests
on medium-wave radio transmissions.