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Re: WTIC (AM) anniversary broadcast

At 02:25 PM 2/11/00 -0500, you wrote:
>Pete Kemp wrote:
>If I hook up the Kiwa
> > Loop, WBZ come in about as strong and Boston's maybe 4 times the distance
> > away.
>Kiwa Loop?  Any details on that?  Curious.

For more information on the Kiwa Loop try:  http://www.kiwa.com/corp.html

For a picture:  http://www.kiwa.com/loopbig.html

For a review of this unit:  http://www.kiwa.com/wrth.html

If you are seriously involved in AM DXing then you may also want to check 
out the National Radio Club's Antenna books and reprints.  You will find a 
variety of home made antenna plans too, for units such as the box loop, the 
wedge and amplified ferrite core units.

The Kiwa is a commercial unit and considered to be the Cadillac of those 
available.  BTW, Kiwa also make a cheaper "pocket" unit.
