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Re: All-News Radio Format

>  >My question is the following:  Is it common for all-news stations to
>  >advertise as being "24-hours, constantly-updated"...then run a taped
>  >newscast overnights (i.e. between Midnight and 5AM or so)...time checks are
>  >edited out (i.e. rather than 940NEWS time is... the tape runs saying simply
>  >940NEWS (pause...no bother to compress after the edit)...and on and on it
>  >goes)....

Actually, I think the closest thing we have to an all news station in 
Boston is WBUR.  But, they do use a bit of taped material themselves. 
I've even heard them play Weekend Edition segments that are a week 

A lot of these stations that call themselves all news really don't 
have much news at all, unless you consider traffic and weather 
reports every few minutes to be news!

Larry Weil
Lake Wobegone, NH