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Re: LPFM Rules

>Joe Ross wrote:
>For example, I usually get WJIB very well at night in Brookline.  A couple
>of years ago, a couple of friends and I drove up to the top of Summit
>Avenue to look at Comet Hale-Bop.  I had WJIB on the car radio, but it was
>fading in and out.  And one of my friends remarked that I ought to know
>better than to listen to an AM station in this day and age.

        My mother-in-law, in her 70s, told a story last week that she had
trouble finding out whether there was a snow cancellation by an
organization she is connected with. The event was canceled, and when she
complained later to someone there that she listened to the radio but never
heard the cancellation, she was told that the organization (which is mostly
involved with elderly people) has the announcements made on WTIC (AM). My
mother-in-law's comment to me, with a great combination of disgust,
contempt and amazement that anyone would use this station, was, "I don't
even know what number that's on. It's AM. No one listens to AM anymore."