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Re: WPTR Signal Problems

>Peter George wrote:
>I can tell you in 4-letters what a major problem with WPTR's signal.  CHIN.
>Chin is supposed to protect WPTR.  But with the way 1540 has been sounding
>like, CHIN is not as cafeful about protecting WPTR as the should.  If CHIN
>were to carefully monitor their pattern more closely, you should NOT hear
>CHIN as loud as you hear them, right now.

        I have a different angle on this. I agree that CHIN is a problem.
But, according to my 1976 Broadcasting yearbook, at that time, it was a
daytime only station, 50 kW, DA-D. The 1997 National Radio Club Log lists
it as 50 kW day, 30 kW night, DA-2.
        If this is correct, everybody's old-times memories of WPTR's signal
are for before CHIN was a factor at all. Quoting the Dixie Chicks as I like
to do, "There's Your Trouble." And, with these
##!!!%%&&++$$$####@@@???!!!!!!!!!! Canadian stations, you have to wonder,
right away, are they even bothering to turn it down to 30 kW at night?