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Re: WPTR yet again

On 12 Jan 00,  Martin J. Waters wrote:

>         But you might, this time of year. Sunrise at Boston isn't until
> somewhere around 7:15, and a few minutes later in Albany. I have no idea
> whether WNTN has pre-sunrise authority (TLTLIU), and that could wipe out
> 1540 --  if it does, if they come on as early as 6 a.m., and if you're too
> close to WNTN.

I'm a night owl.  I'd never get up that early.

 A. Joseph Ross, J.D.                                 617.367.0468
 15 Court Square                             lawyer@world.std.com
 Boston, MA 02108-2503              http://world.std.com/~lawyer/