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Re: WPTR yet again

At 01:24 AM 1/10/00 -0500, A. Joseph Ross wrote:
>They seem to have quite a few commercials, including some local ones, so 
>someone apparently did some work to sell ads on the station.  It's 
>certainly a good sign for the future to have ads at this early stage.

Yup... I don't think they could be doing make-goods or under old deals --
those advertisers didn't buy time on the religious format AFAIK.

>The signal is coming in like a local on my Sony 2010.  I think I'll set a 
>button for it on my car radio.  At last a replacement for WQEW!  And if it 
>usually comes in this strong, it'll be stronger than WQEW.  

Boston really should have a decent standards station. (1510 would *have* to
be more profitable running standards again. One-On-One really should close
up shop. It's painful to listen to and has lost tons of its outlets to the