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WPTR yet again

They seem to have quite a few commercials, including some local ones, so 
someone apparently did some work to sell ads on the station.  It's 
certainly a good sign for the future to have ads at this early stage.

The signal is coming in like a local on my Sony 2010.  I think I'll set a 
button for it on my car radio.  At last a replacement for WQEW!  And if it 
usually comes in this strong, it'll be stronger than WQEW.  

Funny, when I was in high school and first started to get into radio 
monitoring, I always wanted to hear a new station sign on for the first 
time.  I sometimes used to call the local office of the FCC to find out 
what stations were under construction, so that I could look for them 
regularly.  But I never had that sort of luck.  Well, it's not quite a new 
station, but after all these years, I finally lucked out enough to hear a 
station launch.

 A. Joseph Ross, J.D.                                 617.367.0468
 15 Court Square                             lawyer@world.std.com
 Boston, MA 02108-2503              http://world.std.com/~lawyer/