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Re: **Kenny Mayer**HELP

Rob Landry of WCRB lurks here, and occasionally posts. 
Rob worked at WUNR and may even have a direct connection 
with Kenny Mayer's show. For example, he could have been 
the studio engineer.

If I'm not mistaken, Mayer's day job was as a gossip 
columnist for a newspaper. (If I'm right, it was 
probably the Record-American, one of the predecessors of 
today's Herald.) Although looking in newspaper morgues 
won't get you air checks, it might get you more 
information on Mayer.

During the past few years, there have also been several 
threads on Mayer and his show at rec.radio.broadcasting. 
Since the death of rrb's founder and long-time 
moderator, Bill Pfeiffer, the rrb archives may or may 
not still be available on-line. Whenever a discussion of 
Kenny Mayer has come up, one of the big problems has 
been getting past the confusion between him and Larry 
Glick's producer, Kenny Meyer, who, as I understand it, 
currently works for the Mass Commission for the Blind.

> Kenny Mayer!
> Kenny Mayer was a living anachronism lurking on the fringes of Boston radio.  
> He had a "comedy" show that aired on WBOS and WUNR radio during the late 
> 1960's.  It was one of the few non-religious, non-community affairs programs 
> that a bored kid with a transistor radio could pick up on Sunday nights after 
> 10 PM. The story is that he did the show from the spare room of his home.  
> His one-way phone calls were a curiosity: he'd take calls where you couldn't 
> hear the caller (at "WO9-8989").  And there's so much more.
> In all my searching of the world wide web I have yet to find an aircheck of 
> this incredibly rare gem of the Boston radio scene.  Please, if anyone can 
> help, contact me at jtyburczy@aol.com.