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Re: Y2K Midnight Observations

On 1 Jan 00,  Pete Kemp wrote:

> >the lack of hype leads to lawsuits
> Could you elaborate on this?

Just guessing, I'd say that a lot of lawsuits could have taken place if 
there had actually been a shutdown of ATMs, power plants, etc. because of 
Y2K.  Some suits have already started.  I imagine that there will be some 
serious lawsuits over the failure of a number of credit card readers in 
Great Britain, leading to a number of small businesses losing significant 
amounts of sales.


 A. Joseph Ross, J.D.                                 617.367.0468
 15 Court Square                             lawyer@world.std.com
 Boston, MA 02108-2503              http://world.std.com/~lawyer/