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Re: Y2K Midnight Observations

In a message dated 01/01/2000 3:33:38 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
kempp@bethel.k12.ct.us writes:

<< Could you elaborate on this? >>

what i am trying to say is that we in the media take a beating when we say 
too much.  and then we take a beating when we provide not enough info.  the 
inference that the lack of "hype" in any situation might lead to litigation 
was not necessarily facetious.  look at the families of the fishing boat who 
filed suit against the NWS for not providing timely or appropriate 
information.  (the situation is the one of which the film  "A Perfect (or is 
it Quiet) Storm is based).
   being in the media, and having been a part of the highly-suggestive voice 
force which helped to pass along Y2K prevention recommendations, i do not, 
and will not sit idly by this time whilst those who are not members of the 
media pass off the most recent levels of alert as "hype".
    the Y2K advice given was needed.  it was timely.  and if an individuals 
perception was that it was delivered in overkill measures, then keep in mind 
the first rule of broadcasting:  the listener/viewer will hear/see exactly 
what they want to hear/see.  if a listener/viewer is of the mind that a media 
outlet is predisposed to lean in any direction other than the one favored by 
themselves, then all they will ever hear or see is information to the 

- -Chuck Igo