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DJs and laryngitis

Howie Carr's sidekick Doug "Virgin Boy" Goudy filled
in for him on Wed., Thu., and Fri., with Marty Meehan
co-hosting on the first two days and then with Giles
Threadgold on New Year's Eve. Virgin Boy did a good
job (and listeners complimented him), but he had a bad
sore throat. By the end of Friday's show he sounded
really horrible.

I'm not sure if he tried to remedy the problem 
during the show (drinking liquids at least) but it
just got worse and worse. I can sympathize, as I've
also had problems with sore throats leading to
laryngitis. I just looked it up in a book I have by
Prevention magazine and it said those with laryngitis
should drink water frequently; DON'T gargle; avoid
mentholated cough drops, and use a cold-air

Anyone else have advice for this? I'm coming off a
cold myself (aren't we all) and I wonder if anyone
here has sage advice for bringing your voice back.

Bob Nelson
WMWM Salem

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