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re: person of the decade

First of all, thanks for all the Emails...even the nasty ones.  :)

Second of all, let me say very clearly that I don't care one way or the
about Limbaugh's politics, or anybody else's politics....Democratic,
Reform, whatever.

My comments are aimed at the prevalence of satellite programming...and
the loss
of local programming as a result.  There have always been local folks
more than
willing to discuss any and all sides of any and all issues. However,
they are
being pushed aside in favour of national shows...which tend to focus on
issues.  Regional and/or local discussions are falling by the
wayside...and that
is a shame.

My dislike of Limbaugh has absolutely nothing to do with what he
espouses....only that he has brought in a method of delivery that has
put an end
to local issues on local stations....and as someone who grew up in that
radio era....and who started his career in it....I grieve.

End of sermon, off of soapbox, and back into the woodwork.

