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Re: Music Rotation

Chuck Igo writes:
> and just in passing?  what's so wrong about a disc jockey playing
> they want?  remember the good old days when free-form WBCN had
> ratings?

With the help of their clock with the "Red A/B" "Black A/B" core and
other music categories, there was a place for the songs to reside
along with the chance for the station to rely upon the jocks for
another layer of expertise.  In addition to personality, selling the
station, timing, there was an expectation that the talent make the
sound work.  It did.  You have to think that the more the talent felt
their job was being judged on _that_ as well as the other stuff, that
they tried a little harder.

With computer systems smarter than ever, it seems that (even outside
of radio) "If the computer _can_ do it, let it," versus, "Yea, the PC
_can_ do it all, but can't we work a deal between it and a warm body,
just for yucks?"

Bill O'Neill