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Re: 1060-1230

Rock on!!! hehehe
that was GOOD!

and i left the whole post there intentionally for people who didn't know
what we were
talking about.  it was too good to be cut out :) :)

Sven F. Weil
e-mail: sven@lily.org
World Wide Web: http://www.lily.org/~sven

On Thu, 21 Oct 1999, Bill Piacentini wrote:

> At 11:34 AM 10/21/99 -0400, Sven Weil wrote:
> >If 1060 becomes yet another mouthpiece for the royal right, then there
> >would be no need to go through the trouble of trying to tune it in (how
> >many t-words can i stick in one sentence?;-]) when it's easier
> >for people who want that kind of programming to tune in WRKO, WTKK-FM and
> >WBZ.[snip]
> Regarding your lack of reticence relating to your reproach of a repeat of 
> the royal right reeking remarks received on ruleless retro radio (i.e. AM), 
> I reciprocate reminding readers rabid retorts of the right wing are 
> riveting; remunerating ratings reminiscent of Roy Rogers and the Lone 
> Ranger. Liberal-leaning language lacks the level of listenership lascivious 
> license-holding laissez-faire liberals like.