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RE: Various replies

Guess what. That's what digital terrestial radio is.  Canada is already
moving in that direction and so is the EC.  Typically, the US is light
years behind and  trying to implement a sub-par technology - IBOC  (In
Band On Channel) Digital Audio
Broadcasting.  NO other country except this one has been soo dog-gone
insistent on this way of doing digital radio.  What's going to be even
nicer after digital radio is a reality, is that "american" radios will be
useless in canada or europe and vice versa.  IIRC Canada is trying the
Eureka format, ditto Europe

Sven F. Weil
e-mail: sven@lily.org
World Wide Web: http://www.lily.org/~sven

On Mon, 18 Oct 1999, Brian Vita wrote:

> Isn't more likely that after they pillage the VHF TV band they will go 
> after the FM band and force them to move to a digital format?  The 
> government will get a whole lot of $$$ for the new licenses and radio 
> manufacturers will love it.
> Brian