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Re: T.S./H. Dennis Kicking Up Tropo

You mean they don't use those window speakers anymore? I've never been to
a drive in - I'm only going what I've seen in old photos and people's
reminicenses.  When things like tropo happen...could it be easier to
switch to an equally low powered AM transmitter? (if you can find an empty
channel on the AM dial at night that is :-) }

- --
Sven F. Weil
e-mail: sven@lily.org
World Wide Web: http://www.lily.org/~sven
(who's hovering around the driveins now listening to the movies *grin*

On Wed, 8 Sep 1999, Brian Vita wrote:

> Most Drive-In movie theatre are using low power FM Stereo transmitters for 
> the movie sound.  
