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Re: Stop the Narrow-casting


Certainly I understand and respect your preferences. But I also think
there's room out there, especially with all the underperforming AMs out
there, to try it the way I like and see if it has a market. As far as I
know, no one has, and I know there are folks who would like to hear those
days recreated, even if we are at or near the dreaded big 4-0. Are there
enough of us? I don't know. But I'd like to find out.

- -- Doug Broda (dougbroda@mindspring.com)

At 08:34 AM 4/5/99 -0400, SteveOrdinetz wrote:

>That's just fine with me, thank you.  We're talking stations that are
>targeting a 40+ demo, do you really think that screaming motormouth jocks
>who talk over every song ( and in the case of some stations like WABC
>during them, too), good guys chime time, jocks feeling the need to do
>character voices whether or not they can, etc, etc would wear well?  I
>think not.  It's not 1969 anymore.  

>Again, that's just fine with me.  If I never hear another tune by the
>Osmonds, Leif Garrett or the Captain & Tennille it would be too soon.  IMHO
>an oldies station should be a contemporary station that happens to play
>music from an era long ago....it doesn't have to be a carbon copy of that
>era.  I don't wear my hair the same way I did in 1969, don't drive the same
>car I did, I'd like to think my tastes have matured somewhat, too.  A
>little nostalgia is fine once in a while but I'd rather live in the
>present, thank you.
