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RE: First Jock/First Remote on Star 93.7

Mark Schneyder writes:
>Perruzzi was live from the Rack last night. Part-timer Kim
>Collins will be there next week. So far, it's the only hosted
>show on the Star 93-7.

Not that anyone has suggested this, but why fire Vinnie? The
guy knows the music probably better than anyone else who they
could hire. And, he did indeed sound like a kid in a rather
large Toys R Us with the ability to buy anything in sight
Saturday. (And, when the Herald said the whole airstaff had
been axed, they were likely referring to full-timers. You
have to remember, Vinnie wasn't full-time.)

By the way, soneone else on the list had asked if this was 
a rebroadcast of one of his older shows. Indeed, it was live, 
replete with about 20 references per hour to the fact that 
this was a new radio station on the air.

Last night, while doing my shopping at a local Cambridge 
convenience store, I was surprised to hear 93.7 on the
store's radio. I'm guessing that many people who normally
listened to the Saturday night show found out the format
was essentially extended all week and just kept the radio
on 93.7.

Sean Smyth
Sports editor, Community Newspaper Company
9 Meriam Street
Lexington, Mass.    02420
Phone: (781) 674-7721
Fax: (781) 674-7735
E-mail: ssmyth@cnc.com
