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Re: Mind if I call you Bruce?

>Speaking of which, I am still unclear as to why WBZ (radio) doesn't use
>the TV meteorologists, opting for College City, PA's weather window.

Actually, BZ radio does occasionally call on BZ-TV's meteorologists
when the weather becomes newsworthy.  It was only a couple of weeks
ago, before some snowstorm or another arrived, that I heard Ed Carroll
talking about the approaching storm at the top of the hour on 1030.

I suspect that Westi... er, make that CBS... has a long-term contract
with the AccuWeather folks to handle the regular weather forecasts for
all the former-Westinghouse radio O&Os.  I know for a fact that KDKA
Pittsburgh, which also has a co-owned and co-located TV station, also
uses AccuWeather on the radio side.

- -Shawn Mamros
E-mail to: mamros@mit.edu
