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Re: wvnh testing

At 11:58 PM -0500 2/24/99, Sven Weil wrote:
>Larry Weil said:
>> Possibly the only left-wing oriented christian stations out there are the
>> ones run by black churches.
>  Funny...i hear a lot of condemantion of homo-sex-shuahllllityyy on some
>of the black
>preacher shows... (NOT ALL OF THEM).
>I wouldn't call such programs exactly "left wing"...

I agree, condemnation of any group of people should go in a wing by itself,
and be left there to rot!  I don't exactly listen to these stations (I
don't think there are even any black christian stations I can get from
here), I was writing based on my peception of their programming.  Sorry if
I offended anyone, that was not my intention.

Larry Weil
Lake Wobegone, NH
