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Paul Harveee....G'day!

> At 08:43 AM 2/17/99 EST, you wrote:
> >of Paul Harvey:
> Sounded to
> >me like a cold, sore throat, or something like that.
> I just listened to his noontime broadcast and I noted, several times,
that he
> almost "lost it" as if he were choking up.  

And the next day he had a fill-in host.  

However, when he did "The Rest of the Story"....it was probably PH 
(taped) with his raspy throat.

Musta been a cold....cuz he sounded much better today.

Funny to think how vulnerable someone is who makes their living with
their throat!

Made me wonder what would happen to many broadcasters if disease strikes
that small 5 inch section of our body...the throat!  Most careers would
be over...

Just thinking out loud....
