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Re: CBC On Strike

I'm assuming that the reason that the CBC will have no employees on site,
in light of the "jeopardizing the game" line in the release, is that their
being on site would have driven the Teamsters needed to open the arena, as
mentioned by Newsworld.

Also... will ESPN2 have the game here in the US?

If CBC doesn't cover the game, then ESPN2 wouldn't be crossing the line
that their techs said they wouldn't be crossing, and then ESPN2's techs
could come in and broadcast the game to the US.

That is, unless the union pickets coverage by non-union CTV or TSN crews,
claiming that it's a "scab" thing, but if that happened that would put the
game itself in jeopardy again...

My head hurts. :)

- -- Doug Broda

At 01:07 PM 2/19/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Now it looks like CBC is going to do Sharks at Washington instead...
>    On Wednesday, CBC tried to make plans to secure the feed from ESPN2,
>       which is broadcasting the game to the U.S. But that idea ended
>   yesterday when ESPN technicians indicated they would refuse to cross a
>                              CBC picket line.
>   Late last night, however, it looked as though there wouldn't even be a
>     picket line. Air Canada Centre general manager Bob Hunter said CBC
>      agreed that none of its employees would be at work at the arena
>                                 tomorrow.
>      "CBC has confirmed for us that there will be no CBC employees on
>                      site," Hunter said in a release.
