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You Might Be A DJ if...

Has everone seen this?  This is a riot!

If these don't make you laugh....show them to your girl, guy or
significant other....  Maybe they're more evident to them!



- ------- FORWARD, Original message follows -------

>You MIGHT be a DJ if...
>80% of your wardrobe has a station logo on it.
>You haven't bought Q-tips in over 3 years.
>You still refer to CD's as "records".....
>You look at your paycheck and say, "That's it! I'm getting a real job!"
>An extra hour and a half of sleep is considered a day off!
>The only interaction between you and someone else at dinner time is,
>"Thank you, please pull to the second window!"
>You call a weekend off a "VACATION."
>You can smoke a cigarette in three minutes or less.
>You answer your home phone with the station call letters.
>A salesperson has ever taken credit for your paycheck.
>You know what a "bullet" is.
>You've ever sliced your finger with a razor blade, and cleaned out 
>the cut with Isopropyl Alcohol and an extra long cotton swab (only 
>applies to those of us who remember reels and carts)...
>You measure your amount of production in "shitloads"
>You can post the song...run down the hall...do a full blown "number 
>2" and be back in 2:40 for the segue.
>Dinner?...let's see what the receptionist has left in the fridge.
>You have ever dreampt of a record running out and not being able to
>find the control room door.
>You've ever muttered the words, "Yea, I'll try to get that on for ya!"
>You have more stereo and computer equipment than everyone else you
>People who ride in your car exclaim, "How in the hell do you listen 
>to the radio that loud!'
>You consider wearing a shirt you have to iron, "dressing up".
>When listening to music at your home, you only listen to the first 30
>seconds of the song, then you switch to something else.
>Going to a club and not getting paid seems like a useless waste of
>Everyone you know calls you to play their wedding or birthday party.
>People you don't even know start calling you when a good band is 
>coming to town.
>Cheerleading coaches call you wondering how to get that "special 
>mix" of the Jock Jam that they heard on the radio.
>You turn the radio up excitedly at the sound of "dead-air" on the
>competitor's station.
>You have at least three un-opened CD's, two T-shirts, 22 stickers, 
>and 5 cups in your car.
>You have about 500 un-labeled cassettes, (air-checks) in a cardboard
>box in your closet.
>Cueing, segueing, walking on, loose, back-timing, raise, lower, EAS,
>and dumb-ass program director are everyday parts of your vocabulary.
>You have at least 19 pictures of you with famous people that you
>haven't seen since.
>You know the names and artist to every song your boyfriend or
>girlfriend can think of.
>You know the words to every song they can think of.
>You know the re-mixes to every song they can think of.
>You've slept quite comfortably on the promotions director's easy 
>You were a half hour late for an appearance and blamed it on the
>directions you got from the sales person.
>You've had 5, # 8 caller's in a row.
>Your favorite past-time is conferencing three un-knowing listener's 
>on the same line.
>You know the chart peak, release date, and record label of every 
>song they can think of. (I mumbled, "#7, 1972, Warner Brothers", 
> the other day when "School's Out" came on...) 
>(--added by Rob McLean)
>You jump out of bed every time you hear a thunderstorm and wait 
>for the phone call.."we got knocked off the air whudda I do?"
>(--added by Johnny Gardner)
>You could relate to ANY of these! 
