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Re: Fw: ...But RKO rolled me....

> >Phyllis wrote--
> >>
> >>Does anyone else remember  "...Life is a Rock, but RKO rolled me..."
- -
> when
> >>WRKO used to play it?

As one of the last jocks on RKO...."the day the music died"....Justin
Clark and I went looking everywhere...called everyone we knew....and
*still* coulnd't find a copy of the "modified" version of the song....

Woulda been great to be able to play "Life is a rock, But RKO rolled me.
.." on the last day of music....

- --
 Dave in Boston  

(For E-mail, mailto:David_Boucher@Prodigy.com?subject=fromEMCsig )


End of boston-radio-interest-digest V2 #220