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Re: Boston CBS affiliations of long ago

Dan wrote--
>I'm pretty sure that WNAC was the Mutual affiliate. In fact, at least one
>Mutual program originated from WNAC--Cedric Foster's daily news commentary.
>During World War II, the radio networks, and even a few independent stations
>in larger markets, had their own news commentators.  [snip]

WNAC had an on-going fight with CBS before it leased and then bought WEEI.
At the heart of the debate was Shepard's desire to choose programming from
*both* CBS and NBC-- which, needless to say, both networks took a dim view
of.  Shepard got cut off from CBS, and he did in fact immediately take some
Mutual programming, in addition to having created his own networks-- Yankee
and Colonial, and putting a lot of energy into the Yankee News Network and
then in the late 30s and early 40s, an FM network.   

CBS allowed WLAW to have SOME (not all, according to press releases I read)
of its programming in WLAW's early years, largely because, as Marty
guessed, it was originally considered a Lawrence station, and WEEI's signal
did not cover that area very well.
