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Re: XETRA-AM (silly IDs)

>Dan Strassberg wrote:
>2. As far as I know, XETRA (AM) now runs 77.5 kW-U (DA-2--I think, but
>possibly DA-1). The power increase had no effect on the signal into the US,
>where the border blaster could not increase radiation toward the
>second-adjacent stations in LA and (I think) Simi Valley.
>3. When did XETRA change its COL from Tijuana to Rosarita? (Isn't that
>really Plaja Rosarita?)

        The FCC database shows two pairs of listings, one each for day and
night, for XETRA. Both show it licensed to Tijuana. The first listing is 50
kW, DA-2, two towers days, five towers nights. The second listing shows the
station as XETRA1 and is for  77 kW day, 50 kW night, also two towers days,
five towers nights, but an obviously different pattern from a different
site, with, BTW, a much higher pattern RMS for the 50 kW night pattern than
either the day or night pattern of the other listing.
