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Re: Standards...WXKS-AM, WNEW, WQEW

<snip> the "Double-yew--enny double-yew...eelevun
>three oh in Noo Yawk" theme (with and without lyrics), and the program
>themes for the Make-Believe Ballroom and Milkman's Matinee.

I agree that the jingles on WNEW were the best.  Even the more recent
Metromedia ownership versions were solid aural icons.  It seems that even
the same talent, when they were at 'Eleven Three Oh' seemed more at ease
with the whole thing.  The station seemed to resonate with the City, as well
as the surrounding area, New Jersey, etc.  I also fail to recall if WNEW was
hung up on a FOLO (first out last out, as I call them) liner as WQEW seems
to be.  How often do we need to be reminded of the mission of the station?
I am glad, however, that I can still dial up 1560 on occasion.  Once a too
familiar or MOL centerpiece/museum piece kicks in, I kick out.

Bill O'Neill
