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- -----Original Message-----
From: Scott D Fybush <fybush@world.std.com>
To: A. Joseph Ross <lawyer@world.std.com>
Cc: bri@bostonradio.org <bri@bostonradio.org>
Date: Monday, June 29, 1998 5:35 PM
Subject: CBA

>Hi Joe,
>You're right that CBA is an English station -- but the primary focus
>of the CBC operation in Moncton is not CBA.  It's CBAF-88.5 (ex-1300),
>CBAL-98.3 (the French FM operation), and CBAFT-11.  There's a large
>TV newsroom and a large radio newsroom in the building that are
>both all-French.

I've always found it interesting that Canada has some call letter sets of 5.
Now, I'm trying to figure out the Australian call letter system....if indeed
there is a system. Sometomes, I listen to an Australian Top-40 station on
the Web.

There was one station back in the 1970s taht used calls similar to the
Australians.....not for the legal ID of course, but otherwise, they used
"W4."  Imagine having to sa "WWWW" every break!  At least, those who know
how to pronounce double-you would have a problem.


:) shel
