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Re: Drake "killed" Good Guys Radio

The style of radio Arnie did was unique.  He was very 'in your face' about
his defects-- his lack of a deep voice, his very ethnic name, the fact that
he never worked on the Jewish holidays-- Arnie did not try to be a house
name, and he did not try to be bland.  He could laugh at himself and he
could laugh at top-40.  He saved his money, very quietly owned a piece of a
radio station in Maine, and he never let his success go to his head.  Much
of what he did would probably not work in our pseudo-sophisticated age, but
he gave me hope-- if HE could make it in radio, then a woman or a minority
or a person without a deep voice could too, as long as they had a sense of
humour and a love of radio... we can't just blame Drake-- as time passed,
the novelty of Arnie wore off, as radio-- and society-- changed...   
