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Re: bathroom problems

At 12:04 PM 7/31/97 -0400, Donna Halper wrote:
>That's why I liked working in album rock-- when nature called, there was

...and what I hated about my first exposure to playing country on radio,
where everything seemed to be 2:12...

>...even if
>the bathroom was usually at the other end of the station... 

Now by what benighted inspiration is  this so often the case? I have worked
at/been at more stations where this is true. 

And this year I turned down a morning talk show job...and one of the many
reasons was the bathroom wasn't on the other end of the station but on the
other end of the *office building* which was a block away and through three
locked doors and other offices. Kinda tough to run out during a four minute
newscast. And no automation to sequence things on the air, either.

Fortunately where I am now the bathroom door is in the control room, the
opposite extreme but so much better.

- -Pete

"Nobody cares about your big toe"
			-Dr. Joy Browne

All opinions expressed are mine and not those of any other entity or life form.
