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Well, I looked at a _map_ (remember them?). Bob, you sure are right! There's
a little corridor that constitutes a mostly-salt-water path from
Charlottown, over the fairly narrow neck of land that joins NS to NB,
through the Bay of Fundy, to the Atlantic Ocean south of Maine, to the
Massachusetts coast, somewhere around Boston. At this end, if you go very
far north or south of the end of this path, the mostly-salt-water path turns
into a path that involves a much greater distance over land. The map that I
looked at was not very large or detailed, so I'm not sure in exactly what
area of the Mass coast the mostly-salt-water path ends. As I said, it looks
to be around Boston. This means that if you're in just the right spot on the
Mass coast, you will pick up CHTN quite well during the day. But you won't
pick up CFCY, because of WPRO. Also the CFCY may actually protect WPRO
during the day as well as at night.

- -------------------------------
Dan Strassberg (Note: Address is CASE SENSITIVE!)
ALL _LOWER_ CASE!!!--> dan.strassberg@worldnet.att.net
(617) 558-4205; Fax (617) 928-4205
