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Re: Dick Summer

During the top 40 days in the 60's WBZ's lineup was:

Carl DeSuze 6 (or whenever he showed up)-9:30
Dave Maynard 9:30-12:30
Jay Dunn 12:30-3:30
Jefferson Kaye/Ron Landry 3:30-6
Bob Nelson/Bob Kennedy Contact (talk show) 6-8
Bruce Bradley 8-11:30
Dick Summer Nightlight 11:30-6 (or whenever Carl showed up) 

One of Dick Summer's other bits was the Top Crumb Award. He claimed that the sandwich was invented by the Duke of Shrewsbury, but the evil Earl of Sandwich stole the idea and put his name on it.  Anyone who got a restaurant or cafeteria to chance the word sandwich on the menu to shrewsbury got a Top Crumb Award. I got one for getting the Lunch Ladies at Wellelsey High to make the change.