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Re: Dick Summer

  DonKelley@aol.com wrote:
>During the top 40 days in the 60's WBZ's lineup was:
>Carl DeSuze 6 (or whenever he showed up)-9:30
>Dave Maynard 9:30-12:30
>Jay Dunn 12:30-3:30
>Jefferson Kaye/Ron Landry 3:30-6
>Bob Nelson/Bob Kennedy Contact (talk show) 6-8
>Bruce Bradley 8-11:30
>Dick Summer Nightlight 11:30-6 (or whenever Carl showed up)

Scary how we remember this stuff.  Actually Bob Kennedy Contact (never 
heard of Bob Nelson) ran 6:30-8, with a news block from 6-6:30.

Another bit Dick used to do that I always liked...he'd be telling some 
story about Theopulous Q. Waterhouse or his buddy Jerry...he'd have a song 
cued up somewhere in the middle and use a line from the song as the story's 
punch line.