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Re: Coverage of Clinton scandal (was Call me "Cache")

Dan wrote--
>Did you have the same opinion during Watergate?  Iran/Contra?  
>The legislative process has ground to a halt because of this scandal and
it is
>the only story in Washington.  Of course, life goes on in the real world...
I have worked for ABC, I have worked for several other stations doing news
and PA.  This is no Watergate.  This is no Iran/Contra.  In fact, I felt
the media UNDER-reported Iran Contra at the time.  This is a salacious
"he-said/she said" that makes even established US media outlets look like a
bunch of tabloids.  I commend WBZ Radio for trying to present both sides of
the mud-slinging.  But frankly, I still feel this is none of my business.
The man has no morals-- fine.  But do I have to be beaten over the head
with it over and over to the exclusion of "real" news???   If the
legislative process has ground to a halt,  then a lot of senators and reps
are wasting my tax dollars.     

then Dan wrote--
>This is getting a little too close to a political discussion, but since I
>didn't start it, I felt free to participate.
I don't plan to keep further discussion on this list, since you are right--
it's politics;  but I felt a comment was in order because the media have
talked about nothing else for days, and I am sure there is other news they
could report in addition to this.   
