[B-R-I] Re: AM radio on 2021 VW?

Kaimbridge M. GoldChild Kaimbridge@Gmail.com
Sun Apr 18 11:37:15 EDT 2021

Ron Bello wrote,

 > Could it be that the electronics / motor(s) generate so much electrical noise
 > that the AM band is unlistenable ?

Yup, and didn’t just happen yesterday!

    (Nov'18)  https://incompliancemag.com/will-electric-cars-make-am-radio-obsolete/
    (Feb'16)  https://www.vice.com/en/article/yp3vmj/why-electric-cars-are-ditching-am-radio

It was already being talked about back in 2012:

    (Mar'12)  https://web.archive.org/web/20130313075145/http://www.radioink.com/Article.asp?id=2626719&spid=24698

But there is resistance (even if it is probably just mostly from us radio geeks! P=)

    (Feb'16)  https://interferencetechnology.com/big-name-car-owners-want-their-am-radio-back
    (May'14)  https://rainnews.com/where-is-the-amfm-radio-in-my-new-car-steve-goldstein/

Even if AM/FM radios aren’t originally installed, one can always slap one on, under the
dashboard (though you will likely still have to deal with the underlying RFI)..


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