"April Fools Day 1975 WMUA 91.1 FM UMass" on YouTube

A Joseph Ross joe@attorneyross.com
Tue Jun 16 23:47:19 EDT 2020

Congratulations to you and your collaborators for this.  It's a good 
thing I was no longer on campus by then because I wouldn't have wanted 
to leave my radio to eat, sleep, pee, or attend classes for the whole 18 

On 6/16/2020 3:06 AM, Martin Waters wrote:
> I'm turning myself in as the perpetrator of the newscast at the 
> beginning of that telescoped segment on youtube. I have a tape of some 
> of that day, but didn't know it had surfaced on youtube. Of course, my 
> radio name that day, J. Paul Muddlemouth, was an homage to the CKLW 
> newscaster J. Paul Huddleston. The two WMUA "news writers" I mention, 
> Leo T. Baldwin and David Smith, were, as best as my feeble memory can 
> recall, the creators and hardest-working-lunatics-ever who put the 
> crazy 18 hours together. They wrote most or all the ridiculous fake 
> news. Leo, IMO, was one of the funniest people ever born.
> And, as the text shown on the youtube video mentions, Charlie Pellett 
> -- one of the few using his real name that day -- went on to a 
> distinguished career with WINS and, more recently, WBBR/Bloomberg 
> Radio, where I have heard him as recently as within the past year or 
> so. He also is famous (with a few of us who are in the know) as one of 
> the recorded voices used for announcements on NYC subway cars. One of 
> his famous lines is -- wait for it now -- "Mind the closing doors." 
> His voice has been cycled in and out of use for two or three decades. 
> But I heard him one day last year on the F train. And I laughed the 
> other week when I was watching an episode of the original "Law & 
> Order.". In a scene in a subway car, I heard Charlie in the 
> background. Life is a hoot and a half, luckily.
> On Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 12:38:22 AM EDT, A Joseph Ross 
> <joe@attorneyross.com> wrote:
> This is a great April Fools spoof of stations such as WRKO at the time
> and WMEX of blessed memory.  They were on the air with this nonsense for
> a whole 18 hours on April Fools Day 1975.  I don't know who made this
> 15-minute excerpt or posted it on YouTube.
> https://youtu.be/rDbUtiIrHhE
> -- 
> A. Joseph Ross, J.D. · 1340 Centre Street, Suite 103 · Newton, MA 02459
> 617.367.0468 · http://www.attorneyross.com

A. Joseph Ross, J.D. · 1340 Centre Street, Suite 103 · Newton, MA 02459
617.367.0468 · http://www.attorneyross.com

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