Norway Digital, USA HD, etc,

Rob Landry
Thu Jan 12 13:39:02 EST 2017

On Thu, 12 Jan 2017, M.Casey wrote:

> For mobile, The main complaint with FM HD, ( and this complaint has mostly 
> gone away) is improper signal timing during signal transition going between 
> Analog and HD, resulting in repeat or lag of the program content to the 
> listener.

When the audio processing on the HD is different than on the analog, the 
change from one to the other can be jarring.

> AM HD is another story.

I'm not a fan of "HD Radio" on AM. If it were used in all digital (as 
opposed to hybrid) mode, and could be restricted to the channel the AM is 
licensed to, it might be more tolerable; but in hybrid mode as it is used 
today, it occupies the adjacent channels and spills over into the second 
adjacent channels too. My client on 1410 KHz was used to suffer 
interference from a station on 1430 in the same market that ran "HD 
Radio"; Rick Levy told me he measured the lower limit of the spectrum 
occupied by the "HD Radio" signal at 1412. That's too much spectrum for 
one AM statuon to be allowed to hog.


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