WWBZ 700, WFNX 99.9 "vote for format"

Steve stevewest106@hotmail.com
Sat Jun 14 15:45:33 EDT 2014

> Date: Thu, 29 May 2014 00:18:30 -0400
 I don't know where 
> you'd tune now to hear the Sox if you're in Athol or Orange. WVEI sure 
> doesn't get there, and Entercom doesn't seem to care.

WTIC 1080.  I think TIC has had the Sox games since Marconi was a boy.  Back in the days when I was at WWBZ (CAT) we aired DAY games.  I never did figure out how Partridge managed to convince the network to let us broadcast less than 1/3rd of a season schedule, but they did.  But most of us tuned in WTIC, since they aired every Red Sox game all season, even back in 1980.  Second strongest AM signal in Orange, not counting 700.  WBZ is the strongest, TIC the next strongest, and although nobody's listening to it, WIZZ (WGAM/WPOE) 1520 Greenfield.  At night, strongest is WWKB Buffalo, hands down.
And once again, I go off topic... all by accident!   LOL 		 	   		  

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