Turkey Day football on the airwaves/Internet

A Joseph Ross joe@attorneyross.com
Sat Nov 30 00:42:10 EST 2013

On 11/29/2013 4:18 PM, Garrett Wollman wrote:

> Wouldn't you expect most of the audience of such a broadcast to be 
> parents of children in those schools? In which case, there are ample 
> means to promote the broadcasts, through the schools' Web sites and 
> parent mailing-lists.

Or maybe other students in those schools who can't attend the game for 
one reason or other.

Which means that, in addition to the methods you mention to promote the 
broadcasts, there is also posters in the school and announcements on the 
PA system (if they still do that nowadays) or other in-school promotion.

A. Joseph Ross, J.D.| 92 State Street| Suite 700 | Boston, MA 02109-2004
617.367.0468|Fx:617.507.7856| http://www.attorneyross.com

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