WICN 90.5 Out; WYDI 90.5 In - WICH site correction

Robert Sutherland madprof@fairpoint.net
Wed May 15 18:33:14 EDT 2013

According to FCC FM query,  WICN is now  42:18:11, 71:53:52 (NAD 27)
which is the old WAAF tower in Paxton before it moved to ch27's tower).
(WSRS is 42:18:34,71:54:13 (NAD 27))
Close, but no banana... (I know, I'm detail picky)

Bob Sutherland

>>>> From:   	"Laurence Glavin" <lglavin@mail.com>   Date:   	Mon, May
13, 2013 2:40 pm....
>>> ... WICN-FM, Worcester, which not very long ago, improved its
coverage to the east by moving
>>>  to the same tower location as WSRS-FM 96.1, Asnebumskit Hill in
Paxton, MA.

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