Real Names of Disc Jockeys

Donna Halper
Wed May 15 17:06:37 EDT 2013

While researching something else entirely, I found a fascinating little 
article in the Boston Herald (10 February 1956) that said Stan Richards 
(then of WORL, plus he hosted Totem Poll Matinee on WBZ-TV, if memory 
serves) was changing his name legally to his professional name.  It said 
his birth name was Richard Goldberg.  And it said he was changing his 
family's names to Richards as well.  I never knew Stan Richards was once 
Richard Goldberg.  That set me to thinking of other disc jockeys and 
their real names-- Arnie Ginsburg really was Arnie Ginsburg and he never 
changed it.  But there were so many d.j.'s who used "house names" (a 
million Dan Donovans and Johnny Darks) or who tried to make their name 
sound less ethnic.  Norm Prescott was Norman Pransky, yes?  I believe 
Bill Marlowe was originally William Moglia.  Others that come to mind?

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