History Repeats Itself, This Time In Richmond, VA

Kevin Vahey kvahey@gmail.com
Mon Mar 25 03:21:54 EDT 2013

There is a harsh reality with TV today - transmitters are a nuisance
especially in major markets.

The major stations provide cable with a fiber feed and OTA is a complete

The thinking of the sales people is that people watching OTA instead of
cable don't have the income that advertisers want.

To the bean counters, 9/11 proved that transmitters meant little to the
biggest stations. While the NYC stations scrambled to find a new xmtr
location the stations were being fed to cable direct.

In Eastern Mass are there any stations that Comcast actually uses an OTA

On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 6:37 PM, Laurence Glavin <lglavin@mail.com> wrote:
> As we approach the first anniversary of the Great Boston TV Station
Fricasseed Antenna, history has repeated itself, this time in Richmond, VA.
> Atop a tower not far from the Virginia Capital City, sparks began to fly
in the antenna providing over-the-air viewers in that market with
> three of the broadcast television stations in that Metropolitan area. In
Needham, it took five months for the malfunctioning
> antenna to be lowered to the ground, shipped to its manufacturer for
repairs, retuned to its home on Cedar Street and hoisted
> into place. The affected stations, WGBH-TV, WBZ-TV, WCVB, WGBX and WSBK,
operated with reduced power on auxiliary
> antennas (I believe only WGBH-TV applied for an STA until the situation
was fixed; maybe the others had long-ago-authorized
> auxiliary antennas already). Now the Richmond stations will be forced to
do the same or people not on cable of the dish
> may have to watch some of their favorites shows at relatives' or
neighbors' homes or at the nearest pub (and the problem with that is...).
> Here's a link to a TV Spy story that also provides a link to the Richmond
Times-Dispatch coverage. Subsequent to the article
> at that paper, at least for now, there's a comment by me that some of you
might quibble about:

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